Thursday, February 5, 2009

Activexpressions Make an Impression

Today I visited Forest Park Elementary to assist in setting up their Activexpressions. Activexpressions are learner response systems for the Promethean Activboards. And although they are similar to the Activotes, which preceded them and Senteos, which is the Smarttech version, expressions are awesome because these devices allow the user to text answers in the same way a cell phone is used.
So along with the kinds of "True or False" and multiple choice quizzes you're used to with activotes, with CPS units or senteos you can set up questions that allow for short answer texting with the expression.
Although the expressions currently require an additional software install, I was impressed with how easy it was to set them up and get started. I'm anxious to see how the teachers and students at Forest Park will respond to this technology.
Although these are currently being updated on our district technology price list, the price tag might be a deterrent.

However, Promethean is currently running a contest where they are giving sets away to lucky classrooms. Check out the contest.

Additional thanks to April, who is now exploring a "hand modeling" career.

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