Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Thoughts on 21st Century Learning

In the wake of the NC State Board of Education adopting five goals related to 21st Century Learning, we need to outline what the phrase means. I feel 21st Century Learning is about reassessing what skills and knowledge we want our students and educators to have. The first two goals listed by the NC State Board speaks to this. In order for students to be globally competitive and for educators to be 21st Century professionals, education needs to become more adaptive, forward-thinking and also engage students using the tools and skills that have become commonplace in the workforce and our everyday lives. We must reassess how we are currently teaching and be sure that we are doing our best to most equip our students.

21st Century Learning is about striving to not only create technology-rich learning environments for schools but also assist educators to learn about emerging technologies and how they can best be integrated into their curriculum. Technology in the classroom is inevitable, but the need for support not only for the equipment itself but also for the educators has to be a priority for fostering a 21st Century Learning environment. Educators and students need access to meaningful instruction with technology tools that will prepare young learners for their future workplaces. In 21st Century Learning, technology should be a tool used in every subject and not as a class taught in isolation. Specific skills needed for 21st Century Learners are difficult to define because the changing landscape of 21st Century education and technology. Therefore, I think 21st Century Learning is about committing to being flexible and prepared to continually reflect on and redefine what each 21st Century Learner can become.

1 comment:

Jacquetta Morrison said...

Very good points! I wanted to share these youtube videos on these points that we both spoke about. The videos are :

Did you Know

School Comparison (a movie trailor)

A Vision of Students Today

The Machine is Us/ing Us