Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Because It's Fluffy!

This morning I was scanning my Twitter feed and came across this tweet from @eol (Encyclopedia of Life):

I checked out the website http://www.flickr.com/groups/encyclopedia_of_life/discuss/72157630109103478/ in order to find out what it was about. The Encyclopedia of Life has a contest for people to send in pictures of fluffy things. This got me to thinking about how this would be a fun activity to do in the classroom!

Here are some ideas that I thought of:
  • The idea above for something fluffy, something furry, something smooth, something sharp would reinforce those words with images.  
  • Have students take pictures of things that look like the alphabet, shapes, numbers, specific colors, etc.
  • Take several images to reinforce the concept of beginning, middle, end; for example, taking a picture of a piece of wrapped candy as the beginning, starting to unwrap the candy as the middle, the unwrapped candy as the end.

  • Taking pictures and then showing to the class and have students write what they think happened right before the image was taken or what happened next.

  • Take pictures of angles or other math concepts.

What are some ideas that you come up with?

I must admit the first thing that came to my mind about a fluffy contest was a line from one of my favorite movies, "Despicable Me". Do you remember it?

From Despicable Me: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1323594/

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