Monday, May 24, 2010

All the parts are important ...

When I attended NCTIES 2010 in March, I attended many informative sessions, and I took lots of notes. Recently I looked at these notes to find some ideas. "Going Global with Elementary Students" by Kelly Hines was one of the workshops I attended. She had many great ideas and projects to share (you really need to go look at this presentation for lots of project links).

One of the things that really stood out to me as I looked at my notes several months later was this list:

Tips for Creating Your Own Project:
P - Prioritize your curricular goals
L - Locate resources
A - Align yourself with other educators
N - Notify administration, parents & students

I - Integrate the learning opportunity cross-curricularly
T- Take time to celebrate your accomplishment & reflect for the future

These tips can be used to guide any project, lesson, or activity whether it involves technology or not (and hopefully if technology is used, it is for a purpose). Think about all the things you could accomplish by following those steps. I was going to elaborate more on the one or two I thought were the most important, but now that I think more about it, all these parts are important.


Jennifer S. Talbot said...

Really important . I have also read the post and liked it . Image Masking Service | Photo Cut Out

Robert Smith said...

I appreciate your writing skill. Please keep on working hard

Kaylee Feeney said...

The insights you shared are both unique and actionable.

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