Thursday, January 22, 2009

Don't be Left Behind or Left Inside

Public School Insights recently republished an article titled, "Last Child in the Woods": A Conversation with Best Selling Author Richard Louv. This served as a reminder that while many initiatives focus on leaving no child behind academically, we also need to be concerned about alienating children from the natural world. Schools are asked to take advantage of "nearby nature" to increase awareness of plants and animal life that are working to coexist with us in any environment.

Technology is portable. Take a laptop outside to record observations. Use the digital camera to capture images of interesting plants and animals to research back in the classroom. Go exploring.
Don't let our students suffer from "nature deficit disorder". Let's not forget our interdependence with the environment. As Louv points out, we use all our senses when we are outside which optimizes learning.

Get out and explore the wonders around you.

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