Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Completing The Quest Atlantis Student Consent Forms Online

You no longer have to print out the student consent forms and have the students and parents sign them. Students and parents can now complete their consent forms online. However, teachers will still need to complete their forms on paper. Here is the procedure for completing the student online forms.

1. Go to your teacher toolkit -> My Questers -> Registration and Class Lists.

2. Expand your current class to see mail envelopes in the Consent – Teacher column. Click on the mail envelope to generate an email to parents.

3. The mail envelope will generate an email for one student at a time. You will see a screen reminding you that your account will be documented as sending out consent emails. Click “proceed”. Feel free to edit the letter as you see fit, but make sure you keep the hyperlinks and access codes as they are. Enter the parent’s email address for the child. When you send the email, a copy of the email will be saved in this same location.

4. Parents will receive the email. When they click on the "complete the consent process" link, they will open a window prompting them to enter the child’s last name. QA does not have a way to find "close matches" so please make sure all students’ names are spelled correctly.

5. Parents complete their information at the top. As they scroll down, they will see the IRB-approved consent form. There are different language options available.

6. Parents are then given a check box certifying that they agree to allow their child to participate.

7. Students will need to check the final box labeled (Student’s name) consent.

8. After the process is complete, students will be automatically entered into the system and their accounts will be activated. You will not need to collect and/or submit any forms to us. The forms will be saved electronically.

9. Parents have the option to retrieve this email at a later date to remove consent if they no longer want their child to participate. You will also have the ability to remove consent should a parent indicate that they do not want their child to participate any longer.

Once a parent completes the form, the student is automatically activated in the Quest Atlantis system. In addition, you can see this file in your Teacher Toolkit and you can confirm the date of the submission at any time. Also, parents can easily see the consent form in other languages if needed. You can still have the option to send in the paper consent forms. Just remember that the same rules still apply. By checking the Consent – Teacher box you are providing your legal, electronic signature that you have the completed consent form. We still need a signature from both the parent and the child on each form, and they must be returned within 60 days.

1 comment:

swalker said...

If you really want to know where education is headed and prepare your students for the future then Quest Atlantis is a great product.