Friday, May 6, 2011

Work Your Way Up the Studyladder

As I was scrolling through Twitter this morning, I came across a tweet from @teachersharetp (Toby Price). He created a Livebinder on using Special Needs SMART Notebook Lessons. I am always on the lookout for something that can be used with Interactive White Boards (IWB). When I went to Mr. Price's resources web page, I found a link to something called Studyladder. (I also noticed that he has a Studyladder Livebinder on his resource page.) Anyway, I decided to go and check out the instructional resources in Studyladder.

I first went and previewed some activities, and the next thing I looked at was pricing. As educators, we are always curious to find out how much something costs! Imagine my surprise when I saw that as a teacher, you can register and get a free account with Studyladder. Here is a video clip about Studyladder:

After creating my own account, I went in and started looking at some of the Literacy resources. I opened the one for Kindergarten and Concentration game. When I got to that page, I noticed in the upper right corner a link to "Open Whiteboard version". Score!!!

Studyladder also has activities for Math, Science, Music, and Art. Each interactivity has a whiteboard version so that you could use these on your Interactive White Board. Why not go and check out this resource for your class?

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