Monday, June 29, 2009

Writing A B & C

This summer, as with all summers since he started school, my son will be writing journal entries about his summer. Well the first couple of years he drew pictures then over time developed a paragraph to write about his summer camps, vacations and other experiences. This summer would be no different. I considered allowing him to use the computer in order to type his entries, print them and then place the entries in a note book. Another option was to have him blog about his summer.

Then, I realized that he could use a little practice improving his penmanship. For that reason, as painful as he thinks it is, this summer he will again be journaling with pen and paper. Even with this task, technology comes to the rescue. Using the internet to search for penmanship resources, my findings include the following websites. Some of the sites provide printable practice worksheets for manuscript, cursive as well as forming numbers.

Picture from Microsoft Clipart Online graphics

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